Our Committees at Venture Out
There are several standing committees which work under the direction of the Condo Board. Through the work of these dedicated committee members, much of the research and hard work that is necessary to move a project forward is accomplished.
Standing Committees:
Architectural Committee-
The Architectural Committee works diligently to stay on top of current industry standards in park model communities, and develops guidelines for homes in the Community. Homes in Venture Out are continually improved, rebuilt, or new homes added. Home values continue to rise in Venture Out, defying national trends.
Architectural Committee’s Terms of Reference
Architectural Committee Meetings 2024-2025
Infrastructure Committee-
The Infrastructure Committee recently completed a six year negotiation with our Electric Utility Company (SRP) which resulted in SRP investing over $2.5 million into the community infrastructure. Qwest phones have also recently invested over $800,000 into new phone services in the park. This committee logs in many miles, continually walking the park, reviewing and seeking ways to improve utilities services which are vital to everyone in the community.
Infrastructure Committee’s Terms of Reference
Green Committee-
The Green Committee is a newer committee established to help Venture Out become more responsible in recycling and energy and water conservation. They are currently working with Venture Out on planting guidelines for low water plants and looking into areas where we might incorporate solar energy.
Green Committee’s Terms of Reference
Safety and Security Committee-
The Safety and Security Committee works hand in hand with the Chief of Security to constantly identify areas that might be a life safety issue or to better improve traffic regulations within the park.
Safety & Security Committee Terms of Reference
The Communications Committee-
Communications Committee Terms of Reference
Website Presentation 08.18.22 YouTube Link
Common Facilities Planning Committee-
Venture Out’s Planning Committee spearheaded Long Range Planning ten years ago, with the direction and guidance of the Condo Board, this important work has moved Venture Out down the road to a more modern community with a new multi-million dollar Community Center, new gated entry, state of the art Security, new RV over nights and many many updated and improved recreational facilities. They are currently working on the third update of the Long Range Plan.
Planning Committee Terms of Reference
Ad Hoc Committees:
Governing Documents Committee-
The Governing Documents Committee each year reviews the current Governing Documents and insures that Venture Out is current with all Federal and State laws as well as recommending any changes to the documents. Most recently a complete re-statement of the Governing Documents was approved during the 2011 annual election.
Governing Documents Committee’s Terms of Reference
Legislative Action Committee-
Legislative Action Committee Terms of Reference
Ballroom Floor Ad Hoc Committee
Internet Ad hoc Committee
Dish Contract Ad Hoc Committee-
The Audit Committee each year meets with the Board approved Auditor and conducts a thorough review of the annual audit. The Audit is available to any lot owner by request from the Administration Office.
Motion Audit Committee Terms of Reference
The Election Committee each year finds a group of dedicated volunteers who run the Annual Election in accordance with all laws and who oversee a very difficult job of tabulating all votes carefully. Venture Out’s annual elections almost always have at least a 70% return and they have been as high as 88%, an enviable election return by anyone’s standards.
Election Committee’s Terms of Reference
The Newcomers’ Committee invites all new lot owners and renters to an orientation each month, to insure that everyone is well acquainted with all that Venture Out has to offer. This dedicated group of volunteers has welcomed thousands of new residents over the years and helps everyone feel at home the minute they come to Venture Out.
The Nominating Committee has the task of seeking Condo Board Candidates each season. This might be the most difficult job out there for standing committees, searching out and interviewing candidates who are willing to devote three years of their lives to the Community, but each year they manage to field a slate of candidates who are dedicated to Venture Out’s future.