November 9, 2021
Tuesday November 9, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. in Oasis & Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting pZkZwQT09
Meeting ID: 864 0569 3589
Passcode: 664178 One tap mobile
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Meeting ID: 864 0569 3589
Passcode: 664178
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President Call the Meeting to Order Moment of Silence:
President’s Comments:
Star Award:
Lot owner’s and/or visitor’s comments addressing any agenda item or, at the pleasure of the chair, any other matter, may not last more than two (2) minutes per speaker and must be limited to one topic. Maximum time limit for any subject shall be five (5) minutes
Changes to Agenda:
Recreation Director’s Report
Approval of Minutes: Sept 28th Meeting
Treasurer’s Report:
Club Liaison Reports:
Condo Board Liaison Report:
Planning Committee Report:
Old Business:
New Business:
- Introduction Nominating Committee
- Motion: Hams at Heart Request for Additional Stringent Covid Rules – Nan Larson