December 10, 2021
Internet Ad Hoc Committee Zoom Meeting
Friday December 10, 2021 10:00 AM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 875 6364 3401
Passcode: 796846
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Meeting ID: 875 6364 3401
Passcode: 796846
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Call of the Roll
Approval of Minutes
Lot Owner Comments lasting not more than 30 minutes, dealing with any agenda item, or at the pleasure of the chair, or any other subject. Maximum time limit on any subject shall be five minutes. You may speak on one subject one time. Please state your name and address.
Chair’s Comments
Jim Van Heule’s Comments
Old Business
Internet Survey
New Business
Contracts under consideration.
Unwired Engineering presentation (Done)
Century Link
Comparisons of contracts
IP network
Motion to set next meeting time and date.
Motion to Adjourn