November 13, 2024
Agenda: Architectural Committee Meeting November 13, 2024
Activities Conference Room
9AM Welcome: Introduce our new Architectural Director, Lisa Laws
Quorum Determination by Secretary
Agenda changes or additions
Approval of Minutes from April 3, 2024 Meeting
Comments from Lot owners on any one subject.
Old Business
Resident Mary McKay – 222 Douglas questioned via a phone conversation April 3, 2024 why steel framing for sheds and AZ rooms is required in Venture Out and is requesting this to be eliminated. Mary will follow up with Loras W. regarding information she has received from the City of Mesa Fire Department. Committee will review at our next scheduled meeting in November and provide recommendation to the Condo Board.
Back Ground Response:
Rules and Regulations of Venture Out at Mesa, INC
Section VI Structures
Paragraph 12. Arizona Room. An Ariona Room may be erected to enclose the patio adjoining the Park Model. It shall be constructed of steel studs….
Updated (March 2022).
Additional Information: When Venture Out Inc. requested from the City of Mesa permission to build on the Zero lot line the requirement agreed upon was the use of steel frame structure.
Mary McKay was not available for comment.
Bret Hanson has some comments on this subject.
The Motion passed to have Loras Watters send an e-mail to Condo Board regarding the raising of fees for hauling complete tear down material to VO dumpsters. This email was not sent.
The Condo Board has discussed dumpsters fees and no action taken. Does our committee remember what fee was suggested for a complete tear down using VO dumpster? I can forward our recommendation to the Condo Board as a suggested recommendation.
New Business:
The Architectural Committee needs to select a co-chair to replace Loras who is stepping down. He will remain for the season on the committee to help with a smooth transition. The floor will be open for voluntaries or nominations. Please consider.
The Architectural Committee will review and make recommendations to the Condo Board from the list provided at the meeting.
One such amendment change would add to Section VI Structures, para. 12, “when built independently from the storage building. If an Arizona Room and Storage Building are to be built together and utilize the same roof, the square footage may be combined to equal five hundred twenty (520) square feet total on the Architectural Plans. Additional Storage Buildings are prohibited when built coherently with Arizona Room.”
Architectural Committee will be brought up to date regarding future tear downs and builds in Venture Out concerning the City of Mesa regulations.