March 28, 2024
Work Session
- Administration – Keys
Open Board Meeting
- Call Meeting to Order
- Invocation
- President’s report
- Approval of Last Meeting Minutes
- New Business-
- Software Company Bid Review
- Reserve Study – Priority List
- Staff use of Facilities
- Homeowners Comments – Lot owners shall have the opportunity to comment for two (2) minutes each, for a period not to exceed thirty (30) Minutes, on any agenda item at which the attendance of lot owners is permitted.
- Adjournment
- Executive Session to Follow – R.S. 33-1248 Paragraph 1. Legal advice from an attorney for the Board or the Association. Paragraph 3. Personal, health, and financial information about an individual member of the Association, an individual employee of the Association, or an individual employee of a contractor of the Association.
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Passcode: 160860
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