November 4, 2021
Thursday, November 4, 2021 - 9:00 a.m. Oasis / Zoom
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President’s Comments
General Manager’s Report
Lot Owners comments, lasting not more than thirty (30) minutes, dealing with any agenda item, or at the pleasure of the chair, on any other matter. Maximum time limit for any subject shall be five (5) minutes. You may only speak on one subject one time. Please give your name and lot number before you make your comments.
Additions to agenda
Adoption of minutes
Treasurer’s report
Social Board Report
Old Business: West Pool update -- Kay
Violations Committee status -- Glen
Those having reports to deliver at Town Hall, start to prepare
New Business:
Motion: Repair and Replace flooring in freight elevator – Elko
Work Session
Long range plan and status of reserve fund study, involve Planning Committee